Spay & Neuter

There are many ways to care for our pets and ensure they live long, healthy, and happy lives. When it comes to owning dogs and cats, one thing every pet owner should consider is spaying or neutering surgery. Spaying and neutering a pet is also known as "fixing your pet." This is a type of surgery that removes a pet's ability to reproduce. Our team at Carolina Crossing Veterinary Clinic would like to discuss why getting your pet dog or cat fixed is a good idea for Benson pet owners: 

spay and neuter

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering in Pet Care

1. Population control: Spaying and neutering gained popularity in the 1970s when the stray population of dogs and cats was out of control. In 1973, the Humane Society of the United States estimated that 13.5 million dogs and cats were killed in US shelters. Thanks to spaying and neutering efforts, that number dropped by a whopping 97% to just 347,000 in 2020. By getting your pet spayed or neutered at the vet or your local animal hospital, you can help reduce the number of cats and dogs needlessly euthanized and prevent your pet from ever having an unwanted litter.

2. Easier behaviors: Spaying a female dog prevents them from going through a period in which hormones are released, which can elicit negative behaviors both from her and from other dogs reacting to her. Spaying her removes the chance of this behavior. For male cats and dogs, neutering reduces negative behaviors like the urge to mark their territory (including indoors) and roaming, especially when near females in heat.

3. Healthcare savings: Spaying and neutering your pet may have upfront healthcare costs, but research suggests that owners who commit to this type of pet care will save significantly in the long term. That's because spaying and neutering can prevent certain types of reproductive cancers. Plus, you won't run the risk of having to pay for unwanted litters and the health risks associated with them.

Learn More By Speaking with Our Veterinarians in Benson, NC

We understand that some people struggle with not only the decision to spay or neuter their pet but also when to do so. There's a lot of information out there, but our team at Carolina Crossing Veterinary Clinic is dedicated to providing you with the best answers for you and your pet. Give our animal hospital a call today, and let's schedule a vet appointment where you can learn more about the specific health and behavior benefits of spaying and neutering your pet.

Care For Your Friend

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